Wood Themed PS3 Mod is Stylish

PS3 Case mods have been the favorite of most gamers as that gives the opportunity to make the ultimate statement about personal preferences. Here is a guy who seems to have a personal preference which correlates positively with ecology and being environmentally friendly.


In order to prove to the world how he values and expects others to value the importance of using recycled material, seems to have created the chic and stylish Le Woody PS3 Mod. However, I can’t be really sure if the case mod is really made of wood, or of recycled materials.


With all the shine and sheen, it may perhaps be plastic that looks and is painted like wood. Nevertheless, it is funny how the whole console and even the controller have been modded in order to look like they are made of wood. I am sure the modder took a hell lot of time to create Le Woody. Come to think of it, Le Woody seems to have a double entendre that is not exactly appropriate for a technological blog.


If you would like to get this mod, or even learn how to make it, there is no information given except for the shiny photographs. If you would rather prefer something cooler and more wild, you really must check out the Alien PS3 Mod that looks like a mangled piece of metal. Check out the flashy and bright Street Fighter PS3 Controller Mod if you like that game particularly.


Via: Tuning Consoles

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