Ps3 Maven

Spec Ops: The Line After Eight Years Of Long Break

Just after releasing 8 games within the span of four years which started from 1998 and the last game was launched on 2002. Spec Ops has been going on strong with each game being better then the previous one of the series now they come out again after a long break of eight years. I guess they had spent these eight long years in planning and structuring their latest and 9th installment of this running series. This is Spec Ops: The Line which is going to be a massively successful as soon as it releases on 14th Dec, 2010 though the box art yet to get finalized.

Spec Ops The Line Game

As the previous games were based on the fight for justice in the world of international terrorism where the players try to eradicate the evil, this time is quite different. This time, the game has been emphasized on squad-based tactics where the main protagonist is Martin Walker accompanied by Delta Force team.

Spec Ops The Line Game 1

Their main objective is to rescue a US Army Colonel Mr. John Konrad who was left behind in Dubai. Everyone knows that being a US Army Colonel is no joke that too in a place where mafias and Dons rule.

Spec Ops The Line Game 2

So the player must traverse the city and deactivate enemy threats and natural disasters while simultaneously finding and making sure that the Colonel is fine.

Filled with awesome weapons which keep on upgrading as the game progresses, the player can also control their teammates and perform actions at certain times. As this one has its own storyline which is totally different from the previous eight editions, this time the game will be surely excellent and I bet all the PS3 and Xbox 360 players are going to love it.

If you want to try it out then it costs $56.99 in advance. Even you can see a trailer here to make a fast decision.

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