Ps3 Maven

Learn How to Train Your Dragon with a PS3 Game!

Dragons are mystical creatures that have been revered and feared in China. While they seem legendary to us, and non-existent, the dragons live on in our fantasies and now, in video games too!

If you are aware of the Children’s novel by British author Cressida Cowell titled “How to Train Your Dragon” you would know that the story is enchanting and is an amazing one to be told to children.

It has now been adapted into a video game with the same title and might include similar story lines. In the original novel, a young Viking called Hiccup knows and understands the language of Dragons, Dragonese.

Thanks to this knowledge, he is able to train and tame the dragons and go on adventures that most of us can’t even dream of. There is no information on the game at Amazon, but since we know where the idea of the game is coming from, we must wait and watch of the game is going to be as exciting as the novel itself!

How to Train Your Dragon has been developed by Activision and is expected to be released on the 23rd of March, 2010 and would cost $49.99. You could also buy the Afrika game, which would take you on a journey through the Dark Continent.