Ps3 Maven

Sony’s Ultimate List of 2014 PlayStation 4 Releases

Find out what awesome games are in store for the PlayStation 4 in 2014.

I should probably know by now that nothing is immune to the internet fashion of listing things. Thankfully for PlayStation 4 owners, Sony’s own list-making is a heck-of-lot more relevant than finding out what are the 12 best covers of ‘Let it Go’ from Disney’s Frozen as sung by galapagos penguins (coming to a Buzzfeed article near you).

Below is a handy-dandy comprehensive list of all the PS4 games expected to released in North America in 2014. With each future title segmented into their proper season of release, too. With the chaotic way game release schedules can change on a dime though, nothing is firmly set in stone here, but at least it gives fans a good impression of what’s to come.

Particularly, if you focus your attention towards the “To Be Announced (TBA) 2014” portion of Sony’s long list. It features a handful of highly-anticipated games on the docket, such as Batman: Arkham Knight, Driveclub, The Order: 1886, and many in between.





TBA 2014

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