Ps3 Maven

New Fatal Frame Game Potentially Coming to PS3

A recent leak on a Chinese Game website announced that a new ‘Fatal Frame’ game was in the works for PS3, scheduled to be released later this year.

According to sources, longtime series producer Keisuke Kikuchi has been drafted to the project, and working on a new title for some time now.

The ‘Fatal Frame’ series, or ‘Project Zero’, follows the formula found in most survival horror / adventure games, with lonely protagonists entering into haunted houses or other frightening locations on a search for truth.

What distinguishes these games from the usual fare is their strong writing, and genuinely terrifying environments. Players are armed only with a camera with which to fend of the spirits and other ghouls that they encounter.

Several games of the series have been featured on numerous top 10 most frightening game experiences lists in the past, notably Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly.

The original ‘Fatal Frame’ was released on PS2 almost 10 years ago, which means it is high time for a tribute, reboot or a sequel to once again grace Sony’s consoles. In 2008 a Wii only title was released, with the last ‘Fatal Frame’ for Sony released back in 2005.

Will PS3 fans soon have something to rejoice over, or be left in the dark without a light?

For other news related to old and new series on Sony’s consoles, be sure to read Konami wants to re-imagine PSOne’s Metal Gear Solid and Tomb Raider E3 2011 Trailer.