Ps3 Maven

Batman Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Videos

With Batman Arkham Asylum just released for the PS3 game console, it is no wonder people are already interested in finding secrets, cheats and walkthroughs to get all they can out of the game.

We have gathered here three Batman Arkham Asylum walkthrough videos which are easy to follow and are sure to keep you occupied in trying to repeat the directions and gather all you can. If you have additional tips, ideas and cheats for other Batman players, be sure to add so in the comments, so all gamers will share the Arkham Asylum information.

In case you want something to occupy you while away from the video game, be sure to check out the official Batman Arkham Asylum Guide or for fun,  Batman Arkham Asylum Poker Set, which will allow you to be close to the bat even when the PS3 if off.